Monday, February 13, 2006

It's Lawyer Season

On Saturday Vice President Dick Cheney fulfilled the life-long dream of many otherwise decent people - he shot a lawyer. We won't go into whether the lawyer in question really deserved it. Fortunately all parties involved will survive, although the White House Press Corps has their collective knickers in a major twist because they weren't informed immediately so they could begin their "fair" and "open-minded" attacks on the Vice President, the President, Halliburton, the US military, and everyone else they visciously attack at drop of a hat - any hat.

Look, I'm not a big fan of President Bush or Vice President Cheney, but the naked hatred which the "mainstream media" exhibits for the current administration is absolutely incredible. In the "good" old days, the media at least pretended to be an objective neutral party. But all such pretense has vanished over the past six years. The result is an absolute disgrace.

Anyway, enough of this malarky - it's time for the tacky t-shirts, which probably started appearing on the web within 15 minutes after the story broke on Sunday.

Dick Cheney Shot Me in the Face
and all I got was this lousy t-shirt.
(How incredibly original.)

I Support Friendly Fire.


Don't forget to vote for the
Wacky Shirt of the Month!


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