Sunday, February 26, 2006

The Hitchhiker's Guide to Funny T-Shirts

I remember being a teenager sitting in the waiting room of a doctor's office, waiting for my mother, reading my brand new copy of The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy. I couldn't help laughing out loud at regular intervals, causing the other people in the waiting room to think (correctly) that I was nuts.

I've read all the books in the classic Douglas Adams series several times in the intervening years, and I still can't help laughing out loud at regular intervals.

If you haven't read these Douglas Adams classics, do yourself a favor and read them. They are infinitely better than the recent lame movie of the same name. If you have read and enjoyed them, here are some funny t-shirts based on the insanity contained in those books.

Time Is An Illusion.
Lunch Time Doubly So.

Pan Galactic Gargle Blaster

So Long And Thanks For All The Fish.
The final message from the dolphins.


Don't forget to vote for the
Wacky Shirt of the Month!


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