Monday, February 27, 2006

Sometimes I Drive Mommy Nuts!

Everybody knows that insanity is hereditary - you get it from your kids. Here are some more funny attitude shirts along those lines for the pre-school set.

Go ahead and kidnap me.
You'll pay them to take me back.

Here are two great parodies of those VISA ads:

Priceless Diaper (Boy).

Priceless Diaper (Girl).

Sometimes I Drive Mommy Nuts.


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Wacky Shirt of the Month!

Sunday, February 26, 2006

The Hitchhiker's Guide to Funny T-Shirts

I remember being a teenager sitting in the waiting room of a doctor's office, waiting for my mother, reading my brand new copy of The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy. I couldn't help laughing out loud at regular intervals, causing the other people in the waiting room to think (correctly) that I was nuts.

I've read all the books in the classic Douglas Adams series several times in the intervening years, and I still can't help laughing out loud at regular intervals.

If you haven't read these Douglas Adams classics, do yourself a favor and read them. They are infinitely better than the recent lame movie of the same name. If you have read and enjoyed them, here are some funny t-shirts based on the insanity contained in those books.

Time Is An Illusion.
Lunch Time Doubly So.

Pan Galactic Gargle Blaster

So Long And Thanks For All The Fish.
The final message from the dolphins.


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Wacky Shirt of the Month!

Saturday, February 25, 2006

Bode Who Redux

So Bode crapped out - no medals of any kind. My guess is that somebody at Nike (or their advertising agency) is gonna lose his job. Couldn't happen to a more deserving bozo. Even Apolo Anton Ohno, the mad monk of short-track speed skating, eventually won an Olympic final wire to wire.

Meanwhile Julia Mancuso and Ted Ligety actually won gold for the US Ski Team. I bet either one of those folks would have been dirt cheap for Nike to hire, compared to the over-rated, and totally out of shape Bode Miller. This guy has the nerve to make a Nike commercial where he criticizes American kids for being out of shape, and then he shows up wheezing at the end of one of his Olympic events. Even the NBC commentators mentioned how out of shape Bode looked that day.

So we at salute all the Olympic atheletes in Torino - all of them that is except that overrated twerp, Bode Miller.

Here is a shirt just for Bode the Loser...

Where you'll have to JoinBode, assuming you'd even want to.


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Wacky Shirt of the Month!

Friday, February 24, 2006

Penguins Rock!

Penguins are more popular than ever, having "marched" out of obscurity last year. So it makes sense that more funny t-shirts featuring penquins are appearing...

Penguins Rock!

Penguin Superhero

Sexy Penguin


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Wacky Shirt of the Month!

Thursday, February 23, 2006

Funny Toddlers

Little people need funny t-shirts, too! Here are some funny designs
from 88redclothing for the pre-school set:

(Parody of the AC/DC band logo.)

West Coast Tricycles
(Biker shirt parody.)

Touch it, you die
(Babies can be very protective of their pacifiers.)


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Wacky Shirt of the Month!

Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Going to the Dogs

Oh, to be a cat person in the Year of the Dog. Dogs and their owners can really irritate me. They're smelly, noisy, over-excited and slobber all over you. The dogs can be even worse. But at least dogs and their best friends make for some funny t-shirts.

Space Doggie.

Great Dog, Silly Human.

My Granddog Loves Me.

(I Don't even like to think about the implications of that one.)


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Wacky Shirt of the Month!

Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Probe This!

Aliens and UFOs are basically a religion to many people. These folks are prepared to believe, even in the absence of any solid evidence. Not that I blame these people.

It would be nice to think that someone, somewhere knew what the heck was going on in the universe. Cause it's pretty darned obvious that nobody here on Earth does.

Dimland has come funny alien-related t-shirts.

If a lot of people believe something it must be true.

Hear no evil, see no evil, speak no evil...greys.

I was abducted by aliens and all I got was an anal probing.


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Wacky Shirt of the Month!

Monday, February 20, 2006

Get Ready for Green Beer!

Ireland doesn't have a big presence in the Winter Olympics. One thing that the Irish are renown for is drinking. And the biggest Irish drinking day of the year is coming up real soon - St. Patrick's Day. So get ready for Green Beer and Hangovers with these funny shirts...

Irish Today.
Hangover tomorrow.

Get Me A Beer I'm Irish.

Green Beer & Shamrocks.


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Wacky Shirt of the Month!

Sunday, February 19, 2006

Questionable Quotes

The "Bob's Stuff" store has a section of designs featuring photos of famous people with silly, unlikely "quotes" attributed to the famous one.

Sigmund Freud Quote.
"I brake for my mother."

Albert Einstein Quote.
"...and then she go BOOM!"


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Wacky Shirt of the Month!

Saturday, February 18, 2006

Bode Who?

They keep showing those "" commercials. Where exactly are we supposed to join Bode? In the Loser's Lounge with Michelle Kwan? Hint for their sponsors - we don't care how many national championships or World Cup titles these bozos have won. If you don't have Olympic Gold on your resume, you're nobody.

It's All Downhill From Here Bode.
I think he'll get there faster than most.


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Wacky Shirt of the Month!

Friday, February 17, 2006

Cat People

I'm an unashamed cat person. I love my cat more than most people - mostly because my cat pesters me less than most people I know. Here are some shirts for all the other cat people out there...

Crazy Cat Lady.
We've all met them.

I'm Busy Now.
Can I Ignore You Later?


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Wacky Shirt of the Month!

Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Funny Shirts Rule!

"What A Character" is a store that features some great "Rule" shirts about various folks who rule, or at least think they do...

Old Jocks Rule.

Moms Rule.

Dads (think they) Rule.

Kids wanna Rule.


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Wacky Shirt of the Month!

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Playing Well With Words

Wordplay is one of my favorite forms of humor. Even the much-disrespected pun can be a good deal of fun when placed on a t-shirt in just the right way...

Ninja Bread Men
by "Now With 42% More Sarcasm."

Eat Me
. A great reference for those who remember Pacman.


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Wacky Shirt of the Month!

Monday, February 13, 2006

It's Lawyer Season

On Saturday Vice President Dick Cheney fulfilled the life-long dream of many otherwise decent people - he shot a lawyer. We won't go into whether the lawyer in question really deserved it. Fortunately all parties involved will survive, although the White House Press Corps has their collective knickers in a major twist because they weren't informed immediately so they could begin their "fair" and "open-minded" attacks on the Vice President, the President, Halliburton, the US military, and everyone else they visciously attack at drop of a hat - any hat.

Look, I'm not a big fan of President Bush or Vice President Cheney, but the naked hatred which the "mainstream media" exhibits for the current administration is absolutely incredible. In the "good" old days, the media at least pretended to be an objective neutral party. But all such pretense has vanished over the past six years. The result is an absolute disgrace.

Anyway, enough of this malarky - it's time for the tacky t-shirts, which probably started appearing on the web within 15 minutes after the story broke on Sunday.

Dick Cheney Shot Me in the Face
and all I got was this lousy t-shirt.
(How incredibly original.)

I Support Friendly Fire.


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Wacky Shirt of the Month!

Sunday, February 12, 2006

Snowboarders Rule!

Once again Americans ruled the Men's Half Pipe competition at Torino (does anyone else think that "Half Pipe" sounds like something you'd read about in High Times?). We narrowly missed the sweep, but here are some funny shirts to celebrate Shaun White and Danny Kass winning the Gold and Silver medals.

doesn't always go well.

Go BIG or Go Home.


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Wacky Shirt of the Month!

Saturday, February 11, 2006

Kiss My Fatwa!

Okay, we need to take a short break from the usual humor of this blog. Everybody who is thoroughly sick of the frickin' Muslims, raise their hands. Yeah, that's what I thought.

Some Danish cartoonists create editorial cartoons depicting Mohammed, and the Muslim world freaks. Of course the Muslims completely respect everyone else's religion, right? I don't think so.

Remember that Islam is a "religion" whose "god" is so damn insecure that he requires formal prayers at least five times a day or he thinks his followers don't love him anymore. This is a "religion" that is so fragile that the mere presence of the theological works of competing religions has to be made illegal in countries they control. They enslave and mutilate their women and murder anyone who doesn't agree with them. Sounds more like a lunatic fringe cult than a religion to me.

I could go on, but enough of this off-topic stuff. Suffice it to say that I'm buying as much Havarti cheese and other Danish products as I can. Anyone who truly believes in freedom of speech in the world would be well advised to do the same.

The original "Mohammed with a fused turban" design
from MetroSpy.

"Religion of Peace" responses
from Aaron's Case.

Buy Danish
... support freedom of speech.
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Wacky Shirt of the Month!

Friday, February 10, 2006

Hail Torino!

No, not the Italian city in the Alps where the Olympics are starting. Here we're talking about the cool Ford automobile of the 1970s. I thought the original ones were okay, but the "Starsky and Hutch" version was super cool. I haven't seen the new movie yet, but it's in my Netflix queue.

Happiness is a restored Ford Torino.

The original Starsky & Hutch mobile.
(Proceeds from sales of this design benefit pediatric AIDS research.)


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Wacky Shirt of the Month!

Thursday, February 09, 2006

Workin' For the Man

Here we are in February, still working to pay our taxes. The truth is, most Americans have to work until sometime in April or May before they are actually working for money they can put in their own pockets, not the pockets of corrupt politicians. Here are some anti-tax t-shirts:

End the IRS!

Will Work for Taxes.

Property of a Crime-Ridden Tax System.


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Wacky Shirt of the Month!

Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Legal Nonsense

About ten years ago I seriously considered changing careers from computers to law. But I decided against attending law school in the end - I didn't want to lose what little respect people still had for me...

Hey Baby. Nice Torts.

Don't Mess With Me, I'm A Lawyers Kid.

A Jury Consists of 12 persons chosen to determine who has the better lawyer.


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Wacky Shirt of the Month!

Monday, February 06, 2006

Go For the Gold Laugh - Bobsled

When did the name of this sport change from "Bobsled" to "Bobsleigh"? Whatever you call it, it's fun to watch, while being spectacularly silly. Celebrate a world of muscular Europeans, flashy Jamaicans, and American turtles:

Eat. Sleep. Go Bobsledding.

Jamaica Bobsleigh

US Turtle Bobsled Team


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Wacky Shirt of the Month!

Sunday, February 05, 2006

Go Pittsburgh!

I'm not a football fan, but I'm decidedly in the minority on this, the biggest "unofficial holiday" on the American calendar. Here are some shirts to honor the champions of the first "Xtra Large" Superbowl:

Kickin Ass Pittsburgh

I Bleed Pittsburgh Black and Gold


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Wacky Shirt of the Month!

Saturday, February 04, 2006

Normally Mad

What is normal,anyway? Apparently not people who wear the following shirts:

I'm Sensitive, Case by Case

Madness takes its toll
. Please have exact change.

Normal People Scare Me

My Little Voices
Assure Me I'm Quite Normal


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Wacky Shirt of the Month!

Friday, February 03, 2006

Wacky Shirt of the Month - January 2006

Once again it's time to announce the Wacky Shirt of the Month award.

You Crack Me Up
by Dooni Designs.

Wacky Shirt of the Month
Honorable Mention

Already Quite Disturbed

Real People Don't Need Labels
by Irony Designs.

Suffer From Insanity
by Mr. Pitt.

Since November 2005 the WSOTM has been determined by votes and visits to participating t-shirt sites by Wackyshirts visitors.


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Wacky Shirt of the Month!

Thursday, February 02, 2006

Silly Tech Support

Everybody has their own tech support horror stories. Here are some designs to cheer you up the next time you're stuck listening to "Classical Gas" for 45 minutes straight.

Early Tech Support

No Place Like Home

Recognize Printer


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Wacky Shirt of the Month!